Nazira Beishenalieva
Run a family business, banker, connecting regions, fintech/innovation passionate
  • BA in Journalism and Public Relations from the American University of Central Asia (1998).
  • Degree in Law from the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University (2005)
  • Degree in Accounting, Analysis and Audit from the Moscow Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law (2004)
  • Graduated from the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School (2014)
  • Graduated from the "One Belt, One Road" program at Tsinghua University School of Finance
  • Graduated from the Rumsfeld Foundation Camca Fellowship program
    of the Board of Directors of
    CJSC Bank of Asia
    Bank of Asia CJSC is a stable financial institution with a well-developed branch network, which has established itself as a reliable and loyal partner for 24 years of its activity.
    of the Board of Directors of
    American Chamber of Commerce in Kyrgyz Republic
    American Chamber of Commerce is a leading international business association committed to creating favorable and competitive business environment in the Kyrgyz Republic.
    Official representative of
    Astana International Financial Centre in the Kyrgyz Republic

    Senior Advisor to the Chairperson of the AIFC Board for Central Asia
    AIFC plays a pivotal role in positioning itself as a global centre for business and finance, connecting the economies of the Central Asia, the Caucasus, EAEU, West China, Mongolia, Middle East and Europe.
    Founder of ProKG
    Mission of network of professionals in Kyrgyz Republic «ProKG»
    — is to create a platform that unites professionals who inspire and guide future leaders. Our activities are focused on the development of the educational and professional capacity, as well as the personal growth of young people. At the same time, the Club is strictly apolitical and does not pursue political goals.

    • Member of the Board of Trustees of the American University of Central Asia,
    • Member of the Board of Trustees of TEAM University (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
    • Former member of the Board of Directors of Harvard Business School in the Middle East (UAE, Dubai)
    • Board member of Asia Pacific M&A Association, a platform which unites M&A professionals from Asia Pacific countries (regions)
    • Ex-Chairperson of the Bishkek Business Club and President of the Rotary Club of Bishkek. For the last ten years, Nazira Beishenalieva has engaged in educational, cultural and social charity projects in Kyrgyzstan.
    Project: ProKG
    Position: As a founder of the

    After graduating from Harvard, inspired by program's modern approach to incubation of young leaders, Nazira Beishenalieva was thinking about how she could help the new generation in Kyrgyz Republic. One of the solution was to create the ProKG Club, which she founded with experts and leaders in different areas.

    Pro KG Club is a platform that unites professionals living in the Kyrgyz Republic and abroad to inspire and guide young leaders.

    PRO KG Leadership Program is one of the most striking initiatives Nazira Beishenalieva have implemented.
    The ProKG Leadership Program was launched to build the capacity of ambitious young people with leadership qualities and to create a favorable environment for networking with highly qualified professionals, so that project participants, following their example, could become competent professionals in demand in the international labor market and thus improve the human development indicators of Kyrgyzstan.

    Every year the program improves, the content of the program and the format of the meetings improves, and the mentoring component of the program remains unchanged.
    The Leadership Program is successfully implemented every year and currently there are more than 250 young leaders who have graduated from the program and who are creating their own organizations all over the country .

    Main results of the club:
    ● The ProKG club has three main principles - self-financing, the organization does not receive grants, apoliticality and focus on education.
    ● The organization has one important condition - to become a member of the club, you need to have a master's degree from foreign universities and foreign experience in good international organizations.
    ● ProKG annually holds a charity auction to develop the club's projects and create new ones.
      Project: AmCham mentors club
      Position: As a
      Сhairperson of the Board of Directors of American Chamber of Commerce in Kyrgyz Republic

      On March 5, 2019, the official opening of the AmCham Mentors Club project took place at the Hyatt Regency Bishkek. The purpose of this project is to improve the quality of training of young professionals through the effective interaction of top managers of leading companies in Kyrgyzstan with the best senior students.

      In October 2022 we've completed another cycle of the mentoring program , in which 24 young people took part as mentees and 22 experienced professionals as mentors.

      "One of our goals was to cultivate a new format of leaders - leaders with high social responsibility, with a sense of citizenship in relation to the country and responsibility for their society. We are convinced that this approach of forming leaders will be able to lead Kyrgyzstan to sustainable development and successfully overcome the challenges of our time.

      I would like to believe that, working directly with successful professionals and leaders in their field, the participants of the mentoring program were inspired to dream more, learn more, do more and, therefore, achieve more." - said Nazira Beishenalieva
        Regional cooperation
        Project: Kyrgyz delegation visit to the AIFC
        Position: As an Official representative of Astana International Financial Centre in the Kyrgyz Republic

        Based on Nazira Beishenalieva's work experience in finance and investing, she was invited to the International Financial Center Astana (AIFC) . During the few months of Nazira Beishenalieva's work, there have been established strong relationships between business associations from the Kyrgyz Republic and AIFC.

        In October 2021, a delegation from Kyrgyz Republic, which included representatives entrepreneurs, visited AIFC in Astana, Kazakhstan.
        The delegation was chaired by Nazira Beishenalieva.
        The purpose of the visit is to get Kyrgyz business community acquainted with the work and opportunities created by AIFC and initiate cooperation to improve investment climate in Kyrgyz Republic.

        Results of the visit of delegation:
        ● A Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation was signed between the American Chamber of Commerce in the Kyrgyz Republic and the Administration of the AIFC.
        ● MOST Ventures and the Kyrgyz company Namba One also signed an investment agreement for $ 1 million.
        ● During the visit, the Kyrgyz delegation got acquainted with the work of the International Arbitration Center of the AIFC, the Financial Services Regulatory Committee, the Hub on Islamic Finance and Business, the Center for Green Finance, the Expat Center

        Representatives of the Kyrgyz Republic learned about the possibilities of the AIFC platform to attract international capital and the develop the financial market through an innovative approach.
        Mass media and sites publications:
        Project: Amcham Regional Cooperation
        Position: As a Сhairperson of the Board of Directors of American Chamber of Commerce in Kyrgyz Republic

        After the pandemic, one of the main challenges for AmCham Kyrgyzstan and Nazira Beishenalieva personally was to contribute to the rehabilitation of the Kyrgyz Republic's economy.

        Together with AmСham Tajikistan, AmСham Uzbekistan, and AmСham Kyrgyzstan, it was decided to consolidate the regional
        economy. This is the first precedent when business associations of
        different countries saw the benefits of economic cooperation and
        regional economic strengthening.

        The aim of the Regional AmCham Network project is to enhance regional business connectivity among AmCham members in Central Asia and attract foreign investors' interest to the region. The four AmCham partner organizations are: AmCham Kyrgyzstan, AmCham Tajikistan with a leading partner AmCham Uzbekistan. Project activities will help to increase the economic cooperation and business facilitation among existing and new AmCham members by organizing broad sector specific cross-border B2B meetings, organizing joint training workshops and facilitating multiparty investment acceleration programs.

        In the period from 2021 to 2022, many activities were carried out
        to promote regional cooperation and expand business contacts with international partners
        ● On November 9-11, 2021 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan the business delegation from AmCham Uzbekistan participated in the annual StrategEast State and IT Eurasian Forum in Bishkek in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Development of the
        Kyrgyz Republic.
        ● On February 15, 2022, as part of AmCham Regional AmCham Network initiative, AmCham Kyrgyzstan and AmCham Uzbekistan business delegations met with Abdilatif Jumabaev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic to the UAE in Kyrgyz National Pavilion at World Expo Dubai.
        During the meeting with the delegation Abdilatif Kudaykulovich delivered a speech about running a business and opening companies in the UAE Free Trade Zone and the supply of products from Kyrgyzstan to Dubai. During the meeting were discussed the strengthening of trade and economic relations between Kyrgyzstan and the United Arab Emirates
        ● From 23 to 26 of March, 2022, the business delegation of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Kyrgyz Republic visited
        the Tashkent Investment Forum 2022.
        ● On March 25, 2022, the business breakfast "Financial Market Digitalization" was held with representatives of the delegations
        of AmCham Kyrgyzstan, AmCham Uzbekistan, AmCham Tajikistan, AmCham Turkey and AmCham Georgia.
        ● On June 1-4, 2022 the business delegation of the AmCham KG arrived in Istanbul, Turkey in conjunction with the business delegation of the American Chamber of Commerce in Uzbekistan and the business delegation of the American Chamber of Commerce in Tajikistan to attend a number of events and strengthen business relations.
        ● On June 2, 2022, AmCham Kyrgyzstan, AmCham Uzbekistan and AmCham Tajikistan had the opportunity to present about the activities of the Chambers in their countries and share their experience with the participants. Along with this, a number of "B2B" meetings of representatives of AmCham Kyrgyzstan
        companies with potential business partners of Turkey took place.
        ● AmCham Kyrgyzstan along with AmCham Tajikistan, AmCham Uzbekistan signed a Memorandum of Understanding with
        AmCham Turkey.
        Project: Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
        Position: Board member of Asia Pacific M&A Association

        Nazira Beishenalieva attended the ASEAN Model Workshop 2019 in Singapore. The association's founders and actors, namely former and current foreign ministers from Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, and other southeastern countries, described how the association works.
        Inspired by this example a couple of months later, Nazira Beishenalieva did significant research and put together basic information and concluded that Central Asia and other integration associations in the region could learn a few things from ASEAN. Among them are equal partnership, proactive cooperation, and enhanced dialogue with other countries. Provided that the integration association is interested in the development of each member country. For example, the SCO countries are the first in the world in terms of territory and population. And the cumulative economy of the SCO countries is competitive enough and has high potential to become the first economy in the world.
        The research concluded that Kyrgyz Republic should initiate a promising project for the country. If the scale of SCO is too large for Kyrgyz Republic yet, it is possible to develop mutually beneficial cooperation within Central Asia. And there are all the necessary conditions for this:
        • the absence of a language barrier
        • a similar culture, traditions and customs
        • common religion
        Mass media and sites publications:
        Project: Alliance of Creative Industries
        Position: Initiator and organizer, member of the alliance

        Based on her extensive experience living and working in South Korea and UAE, Nazira Beishenalieva learned about the concept of creative economy and saw great potential and development prospects for the creative class in Kyrgyz Republic. Therefore, in 2019, there was launched a project for the establishment and development of a creative economy in Kyrgyz Republic

        The goal of the new association is to realize the potential of
        new points of growth in the economy and culture of Kyrgyz
        Republic. The alliance includes more than 20 organizations from various sectors of the economy, representing both entrepreneurs and creative industries.
        Nazira Beishenalieva has pioneered institutional economics as well as initiated many events devoted to the development of the creative economy at the state level.

        ● Nazira's team supported the submission and approval of an
        application on behalf of the Ministry of Economy for the technical assistance project DAI for the development of a government program for the creative economy.
        ● Initiated the inclusion of the project in the action plan of the government of Kyrgyz Republic for the development of the state program for the creative economy.
        ● Together with analysts wrote research and raised the topic of creative economy among experts during the workshops and appeared on television to introduce and discuss this idea with the public.

        For Kyrgyz Republic it was the first time when the idea of creative economy was supported at the state level.

        Mass media and sites publications:
        Women empowerment
        Project: Gender Bonds, Bank of Asia
        Position: As a Сhairperson of the Board of Directors at CJSC Bank of Asia

        Nazira Beishenalieva makes a great contribution in promoting women's empowerment and achieving gender equality in the Kyrgyz Republic, one of the prominent and important initiatives is the launch of gender bonds from the Bank of Asia.

        More than 50% of bank's employees and shareholders are women, Nazira Beishenalieva actively supports the employment and development of women in business.

        For the first time in Kyrgyzstan's history, the Bank of Asia started the trading of
        gender bonds on November 18, 2022 - International Women's
        Entrepreneurship Day.
        The purpose of the Bank of Asia CJSC program on issuing
        gender bonds is to finance small and medium-sized businesses of women entrepreneurs, which correspond to the ESG criteria.

        The results of the social bond issuance program will be:
        ● improving the well-being of women in Kyrgyz Republic;
        ● improvement of working conditions;
        ● creation of additional jobs for women;
        ● development of ESG instruments in the stock market of

        The project partners for issuing gender bonds are:
        UN Women, Astana Green Finance Center (GFC), GFC
        Representative Office in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Stock Exchange CJSC, Senti
        Mass media and sites publications:
        THE LAUNCH OF GENDER BONDS, Bank of Asia

        On November 18th, 2022, for the first time in the history of Kyrgyzstan, gender bonds trading started.

        82,000 gender bonds worth 1,000 KGS each were put up for public auction. The period of their circulation is three years, and the total value of bonds is 82,000,000 KGS.

        25% of gender bonds (20,500,000 KGS) were purchased within the first half an hour of trading, mainly by the business sector. Among the first buyers were the Accumulative Pension Fund of Kyrgyzstan; Lee Jong Beck, one of the shareholder of Bank of Asia; businessperson Jumabek Salymbekov; Nadira Kasymova, CEO of World Class Bishkek; the insurance company Jubilee Kyrgyzstan, and the association "Dordoi".

        The project was implemented with the support of government agencies, the private sector, and the donor community. Ulziyisuren Zhamsran, head of UN-Women in the Kyrgyz Republic emphasized that it was the first time in Central Asia that the Kyrgyz Republic launched a project at this high level, in partnership with the government, the private sector and international organizations.
        Mass media and sites publications:
        Project: Kyrgyz Businesswomen Delegation visit to the UAE
        Position: As a Сhairperson of the Board of Directors of American Chamber of Commerce in Kyrgyz Republic

        Living in UAE since 2008 Nazira Beishenalieva was deeply inspired by the approach of UAE government in empowering women and dreamed about opening this perspective to the Kyrgyz Republic as well.

        As the result of this aspiration she initiated and organized the official visit of the Kyrgyz Businesswomen Delegation to the United Arab Emirates, that successfully took place from October 23 to 28, 2022 at the joint initiative of:
        • UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
        • UAE Ministry of Economy
        • Federation of UAE Chambers of Commerce and Industry
        • Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the UAE

        The delegation was comprised of 14 women entrepreneurs, who represented small, medium and large businesses of the Kyrgyz Republic dealing in a wide range of economic activities.

        This event is unique and constitutes the first initiative in the history of our country to develop economic cooperation solely based on women's leadership.

        The visit outcomes proved to be fruitful and promising, and offered a high potential for further growth. The host party dwelled on the prospective cooperation areas with each delegation member and provided valuable guidelines on the primary actions to build productive economic cooperation within certain business areas.

        As the result of the visit direct channels of communication between UAE government & business communities and Kyrgyz Women business communities were established with a goal for enhancing economic and trade ties.
        Mass media and sites publications:
        Project: Digitalization of the market "Dordoi" by creating of a digital platform "Dordoi TW ScoreХ"
        Position: As a co-founder of "New Market Technologies" fintech company

        Central Asia's largest trade and market complex "Dordoi" is
        among the ten largest in the world, according to Forbes magazine
        and the World Bank. This market provides jobs for more than
        100,000 people, including entrepreneurs and employees. The total
        amount of income from Dordoi for Kyrgyzstan is about $5 billion.
        Dordoi is a bridge for many entrepreneurs, many goods
        entering the market and then being resold to other CIS markets
        and in other countries such as China, Turkey, South Korea, UAE and more.

        During the pandemic, Dordoi could not make as much profit as
        usual, many workers lost their jobs, and entrepreneurs lost profits.
        Then Nazira Beishenalieva, together with representatives of different
        business sectors: D. Salymbekov and TrafficWave LLP represented
        by A. Temirkhan kyzy decided to establish a company that would
        digitize the Dordoi market and provide an opportunity to do
        business online for many entrepreneurs without losing profits.

        On February 3, 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, New Market
        Technologies, a joint Kyrgyz-Kazakh fintech company started the process of creating a platform "Dordoi TW ScoreХ", that became one of the largest digitalization projects in Kyrgyz Republic.

        Dordoi TW ScoreX is a platform that automates the operational processes of the market and allows business entrepreneurs to receive personalized loan offers from banks directly in the messenger. This platform allows the market itself to more effectively manage cash flows in the context of shopping malls and containers and segment the customer base for project partners.
        The platform also includes a rating of container owners for forecasting and calculating risks for each client. All these innovations contribute to business development, expanding opportunities, and supporting entrepreneurs in the face of instability.
        Soon the platform will work in conjunction with the tax office, to
        automate the delivery of tax documents of entrepreneurs.
        To date, 10,000 of the more than 60,000 container owners and
        tenants in the market can already enjoy the benefits of the Dordoi
        TW ScoreX open digital platform. The project infrastructure provides
        an opportunity to implement advanced technological payment

        As part of the strategic partnership, Visa will provide expertise
        and consulting support in choosing the effective payment system
        and developing technical solutions based on their international
        experience. The project participants and the signed partners of the
        memorandum inviting companies and banks to cooperate to
        introduce products and solutions, including those with
        cross-marketing potential.
        Mass media and sites publications:
        business protection
        Project: Advisory Council for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' and Investors' Rights under the General Prosecutor's Office
        Position: Member and initiator of the council on behalf of the business community

        As an entrepreneur herself for more than 15 years, Nazira Beishenalieva was always concerned about protecting the business sector at the governmental level, therefore she became the initiator of the Advisory Council for the Protection of Entrepreneurs and Investors' Rights under the General Prosecutor's Office(СС).

        The purpose of the CC is to build a sustainable effective
        mechanism of interaction between state bodies, local authorities
        with representatives of civil society and the business community to
        organize and unite efforts to protect the rights of entrepreneurs and
        investors. Also preventing violations of constitutional guarantees for
        the freedom of economic activity by creating an appropriate legal

        The Council was created together with the General Prosecutor's
        because only this body can supervise the exact and uniform
        implementation of normative legal acts on the territory of the
        country. In practice it means that the law should be applied equally to all market participants, not selectively.
        Also, the prosecutor's office can make a protest against a normative legal act, which contradicts another normative legal act, which has higher legal force.
        Through the council, the business community would like to
        establish direct contact in order to promptly and directly report cases of violations of the rights of entrepreneurs to the Prosecutor
        General's Office
          Mass media and sites publications:
          Nazira Beishenalieva is ready for the cooperation and capable of
          • Building economic ties between regions
            Countless amount of projects in regional cooperation were the most valuable experience for creating a strong understanding of how to invent efficient long-term strategies and execute them perfectly
          • Attracting talents
            10 years of projects in leadership helped to create a big, rising community of young talents, with whom Nazira Beishenalieva keeps in touch regularly.
          • Deep understanding of geopolitics
            Nazira Beishenalieva studied geopolitics for a long time and has knowledge, hard and soft skills for creating strategies and setting vectors of development relations between regions .
          • Invent and implement innovations
            Nazira Beishenalieva is passionate in FinTech and Innovations, that's why she was the initiator of the Alliance of Creative Industries, founded the "New Market Technologies" fintech company, which fully transforms and modernizes the biggest market in Central Asia "Dordoi"